Here we provide access to our comprehensive collection of legal resources and documents essential for navigating, purchasing and other aspects of utilizing the +Shop platform.

Provided below are documents links which make it easy to locate detailed information on user rights, obligations, and the operational protocols that ensure a secure and compliant shopping experience.

The terms you agree to when using the +Shop platform.

The terms you agree to when purchasing products through the +Shop platform.

Ensuring Your Privacy and Data Protection on the +Shop Platform

Safeguarding your privacy and data is our priority. We employ advanced security protocols and ongoing optimizations to ensure your personal information is protected, adhering to the highest standards of data protection. Explore below the measures that make your shopping experience both secure and delightful.


Welcome, +Shopkeepers!

We encourage you to join the first distrubuted marketplace we call +Shops.  Where "Everybody loves to shop" & "anybody can be a +Shopkeeper"

Please review the +Shopkeeper Agreement here if you have any questions.  Then when your ready to apply, simply go reserve your domain here: plus.shop

Together, we’re not just selling; we’re making an impact.